The Aragona Photo Album ~ 2009 Birthdays
Yay! Presents! Wine! :)
Pretty cards for you, Mommy!
Happy Birthday, Mommy!
Party On, Mommy!
Why, yes, it IS my birthday, thank you :)
There's the sign-post up ahead! Next Stop: The Ottawa Science Museum! Must be Melyssa's Birthday!
Looking at the Enterprise while in the hallways of the ship
Want to see me control the Canada ARM? :)
These old cars were so easy to drive!
I've got a Casio at home. Compared to that, this keyboard is a cinch!
Let's see what you can do, Kyle!
Watch where you're going, Charlize!
Crazy Kitchen walk-through with Auntie-Sylvie!
Yes, I'm having a great day. Why do you ask? :)
Nothing like a Pizza Hut lunch on your birthday!
Hurrah for 12! Happy Birthday Melyssa!
An Original Page from my Favorite Babysitter's Graphic Novel! Thanks Raina! :)
'To Melyssa. Happy 12th Birthday, Raina Telgemeier' - Wwoooowww... soooo coool! :)
A wonderful end to a wonderful birthday!
A slice of birthday pie at Clydes for Mike :)
Happy 2nd Birthday, Charlize!
The Cake!
Celebrating Kyle's 4th at Nonna & Nonno's
Happiness is... Nonna's Chocolate Cake!
Reading Auntie Sylvie's Birthday card for Charlize
Who's more interested in Charlize's gift? :)
Could it be Mommy?
Busted! :)
Who's having a blast?
It's Spider-Kyle!
Celebrating Kyle's 4th Birthday with the Turgeons
Let me at that cake!
Good? It's GREAT!
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