The Aragona Photo Album ~ Postcards from Bas-Caraquet
A walk on the beach
A beach to ourselves
The chalets from the bridge
Facing the water park from the beach
On the grass in front of the chalet
Kyle making waves
Mother and Daughter by the water
The lighthouse on the other side of town
Charlize posing for Baby Gap :)
Kyle sliding
On the road to no where
Small fishing town
Ile Miscou city limits
Miscou Island Lighthouse - at the end of the world! (PEI is across the water)
The plaque
An old chapel in the middle of no where
Ile Miscou
An ancient tavern in the Acadian Village - 10 cents a shot! (a week's pay!)
An Acadian farm
Kyle in front of an ancient blacksmith
Maison Theriault's home keeper getting carrots for Kyle
The school house - class in session! :)
The school house
Acadians hard at work
It's a hard life
Our chalet
Our chalet
Kyle picking sea shells
Weeeeee! :) (it took a couple of days, but by the end he was able to do it by himself)
An old wreck by the wharf
A very bizarre monument - 3 female bodies intertwined
By the docks
Plowing that red earth
A small town stop
Old MacDonald had a farm...
And here it is!
Another view
A 7-47 flies overhead as we're driving home from the airport :)
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